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Our society has become impatient, they want it now! Whether that’s good or bad is for another discussion; it’s the way we’ve evolved. As business owners we have to adjust to what the market is demanding. We have to be where the customer is looking. Today, and indicators show well into the future that our customers are searching on the internet, primarily with their smart phones or I-Pads or tablets for the business that fills their needs.

Lets face it; the usual means of marketing our businesses such as the Yellow Pages, Radio, TV, Newspaper and Direct Mail are just not as effective as they once were. Newspaper and magazine sales have decreased over the last few years.

Radio is competing with Sirius and XM which are advertising free zone. TV has HBO, Showtime, Encore and others which are also advertising free zones. If I’m watching a TV station that has advertising I am usually channel surfing when they’re on.

Direct mailings hit the round file and are never even looked at. It’s quicker to grab your smart phone and search than it is to lug out the Yellow Pages and try to figure out what section something is in and then thumb through several pages of ads.


Thank you again for visiting. We hope that you enjoy our work and eclectic design. We look forward to making a difference today!

If you would like to work with our company and become apart of our team, please see Careers-Apply-Now.

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